Ellie’s Story
“In technology and engineering, you typically don't have that many female role models. And to be able to find female role models in people your age is really empowering because you look around and you see that these are women who are doing really awesome things and they're supporting each other and they’re lifting each other up rather than competing against each other. That kind of environment has been really helpful for me to be able to say I can be proud of my achievements. And it's not something that I think you would find necessarily if you weren’t in a sorority because we’re so overt about saying these things, like with shoutouts during chapter. It’s amazing to have a group of 200 women who are talking about amazing accomplishments of our friends because we genuinely care about each other and want to see everybody do well. I think that’s something you can kind of lose sight of at as school as competitive as Tech, or in a field as competitive as engineering.”
— Ellie Swiger, Industrial Engineering