
We have compiled letters from parents, alumnae, and current students who have gone through the Recruitment process and want to share their experiences. If you are unsure about the advantages of going through Recruitment, want to learn more about the process from a parent’s point of view, are worried about coming from out-of-state, or just want to know more about what it means to be a Panhellenic woman at Georgia Tech, read on.

Letters from Current Students

From the stress of an exam, relationship advice, to just needing a good laugh, the women in my chapter have always been there. Moving away from home and starting a whole new chapter in life can be hard, but joining my sorority made the transition significantly easier.
My community of women in and outside my chapter in the community have strengthened my confidence in coming to Tech and helped me feel like I truly belonged here. I have never been more inspired and encouraged in my life and I can only thank the amazing women around me for that.
Circle of Sisterhood empowers sorority women to raise money to build a school then sends them to the community they sponsor to work alongside them to break ground and begin work on the school. Throughout CPC’s fundraising process, I saw women continuously pour into this cause and give their all into fundraising.
Coming from another state I left my family far behind and knew all of two people on campus. Now, I have family spread across the world. The friendships I make with my sisters will really last a lifetime.
My decision to be in a sorority has been the best decision of college . It has pushed me, challenged me, encouraged me, and helped me to flourish.
Right off the bat, during recruitment, you are exposed to hundreds of smart, motivated, and loving women who feel so passionately about school as well as their sisterhoods.
These girls are constantly here to cheer me on—whether it be in the audience during Greek Sing or helping me prepare to present my research at a conference. They’re there through it all and always on your side.

Letters from Alumnae

The opportunity to be surrounded by strong, confident women gave me an incredible group of mentors and motivators. In my first semester of college, I was quiet and shy, but by my last semester, I was comfortable speaking at meetings of over 100 students. Over time, I saw myself begin to ask questions in class, become comfortable going to networking events and career fairs, and to not be afraid when new challenges came my way. I attribute these changes to my sorority and the inner joy and confidence it helped me find.
The leadership and volunteer experience I gained through my sorority made me a strong candidate when applying for internships, and is absolutely part of the reason that I am where I am today. The CPC community is woven into my life in so many meaningful ways. The friendships and opportunities I have gained and continue to gain because of this community are invaluable. I have so many role models in the women that came before me, and I am constantly amazed by the women that follow me.

Letters from Parents

As the parent of an international student, I of course worried about my daughter integrating into and becoming a part of such a different community in a new country. She has found a great group of incredibly supportive friends through the sorority, not to mention the academic and career support found through the sorority’s study groups, resources and networking. This has been one of the best investments into her happiness and an integral part of her college experience.
I enthusiastically supported my daughter in her decision to join a sorority at Georgia Tech even though I made the decision not to join during my college experience. Initially the sorority assisted her as she transitioned from a community-based setting to a university campus. Being part of a community within the university has fostered the development of supportive and lasting friendships and has helped to make connections across the campus. These friendships and connections will be invaluable to her during her personal and professional life after college.
I look back on my daughter’s last two and a half years of sorority life and reflect on how much she has grown.  Without the support, guidance, and love of the women both in and outside of her chapter, I could not have envisioned her accomplishing some of the things she has. Heading off to France to study abroad for a summer, spending her Spring Break in Senegal building a school, receiving a great summer internship, and achieving fantastic grades, her accomplishments are many. All of these opportunities were made possible because women in this community continuously poured into her their support and encouragement.