Executive Officers


PRESIDENT: Olivia Jordan


Year: 3rd

Major: Business Administration

I’m honored to serve as the President of CPC this year. As President, I serve as a liaison between CPC and other student groups and organizations across campus, oversee general operations of CPC and the rest of the Executive Board, and act as a resource and point of contact for all Chapter presidents.

Panhellenic at Georgia Tech is truly something special. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to give back to a community that has given me so much, and I am looking forward to an amazing year!




Year: 3rd

Major: Industrial Engineering/ Mathematics

As Executive Vice President, I get to work with every chapters Delegates and Junior Delegates. I love having the opportunity to connect with every chapter in a meaningful way. My goal is to help every member of our community feel connected to their chapter and the overarching CPC community! I have loved every minute of being involved in this community, and I hope that my time in this role will help others feel the same way!


Recruitment Vice President: Lindsey Bryson

Email: rvp.gtcpc@gmail.com

Year: 3rd

Major: Biochemistry

As Recruitment Vice President, it is my responsibility to plan and execute Primary Recruitment! I am beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to help PNM’s find their forever home here at Georgia Tech. My experience in GT Greek Life has been absolutely transformative, and it is my goal to share these powerful feelings of friendship, belonging, and purpose to as many women as possible. I would not be the woman I am today without my chapter and the Panhellenic community. It is an honor to serve as your Recruitment VP this year!



Email: rpvp.gtcpc@gmail.com

Year: 3rd

Major: Atmospheric Sciences

It is such an honor to be able to serve the Panhellenic community as the Recruitment Programming Vice President! In 2024, I am excited to use my hands-on experience as a 2023 Recruitment Counselor to support our new group of counselors and with that all of the potential new members. I hope to further my knowledge on the recruitment process and spread positivity throughout the Greek community. If it weren't for Georgia Tech Panhellenic, I would have never met my best friends or had as many meaningful connections here at Tech. I want to give back in the best way I know how, by assisting the new member classes in their introduction to Greek life!



Email: pvp.gtcpc@gmail.com

Year: 3rd


Sarah’s thoughts are coming soon!



Email: fvp.gtcpc@gmail.com

Year: 2nd

Major: Business Administration

I’m so excited to be CPC’s finance VP! As FVP I hope to work to make the CPC community a more accessible network and create more scholarship opportunities.

I hope to make a positive and lasting influence on the Panhellenic community and allow our community to help potential members overcome any barriers to entry.



Email: cvp.gtcpc@gmail.com

Year: 2nd

Major: Industrial Engineering

I’m so excited to be CPC’s Communications VP this year! As CVP, my role is to market the Panhellenic community through social media and use communicate with external communications.

My goal is to make our social media as representative of our community as possible and to highlight all of the amazing women’s accomplishments. I hope to use social media to create an environment where every member feels represented and proud to be a part of GT CPC.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion VICE PRESIDENT: Rachel Bui

Email: dei.gtcpc@gmail.com

Year: 2nd

Major: Literature, Media, and Communication

Hi everyone! My name is Rachel Bui (she/her) and I am a 2nd year Literature, Media, and Communication student. I am so excited to serve as the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for CPC, where I get to uplift the diverse voices of our community and ensure that everyone feels valued. My goals include standardizing DEI across chapters and increasing educational programming so that we can all grow to be more culturally conscious and inclusive.



Email: phvp.gtcpc@gmail.com

Year: 3rd

Major: Industrial Engineering

As Philanthropy Vice President, I hope to share my enthusiasm for philanthropy throughout the CPC community. Our Circle of Sisterhood team has experienced significant growth in recent years, and I aspire to further expand our impact around campus. Additionally, I want to empower each chapter's philanthropy team to organize engaging fundraisers, raise awareness for their respective causes, and foster active participation among chapter members. I am so excited for the opportunity to grow the CPC community!