Passover commemorates the story of exodus when God freed the Jews from slavery. An 8 day celebration, (7 if you are in Israel) Passover is celebrated by hosting a large Seder during which Jews read and pray from the Haggadah and the Passover story is told. A traditional Seder will have a Seder plate consisting of an egg, horseradish, bitter herbs, shank bone, parsley, and Charoset, each symbolic of a different aspect of the Passover. During Passover it is prohibited to eat chametz. This is to commemorate how Jews rushed out of Egypt and did not have time to let their bread rise. Chametz includes, but is not limited to, bread, crackers, cereals, pasta, and believe it or not, beer! In Ashkenazi communities (jewish communities of European descent) rice, corn and legumes are also prohibited.